
How to use commas in English

Understanding how to use commas is essential for students learning English, especially those preparing for vestibulares and the Enem. Commas serve as important punctuation marks that help clarify meaning, separate ideas, and provide structure to sentences. Mistakes with comma placement can change the intended meaning of a sentence and affect readability, which is particularly crucial in exam contexts where precise language is often tested.

In this guide, we will explore the fundamental rules of comma usage, provide examples to illustrate their correct application, and discuss the significance of commas in various genres of texts. Mastering these rules not only enhances writing skills but also improves comprehension when reading complex texts, skills that are invaluable in academic settings and standardized tests.


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Main Rules of Comma Usage

1. Separating Items in a List

Commas are used to separate three or more items in a list. This includes nouns, adjectives, or even entire clauses.

  • Example: I bought apples, oranges, bananas, and grapes.
    (Comprei maçãs, laranjas, bananas e uvas.)
  • Example: She is smart, talented, hardworking, and kind.
    (Ela é inteligente, talentosa, trabalhadora e gentil.)

2. Before Coordinating Conjunctions

A comma is required before coordinating conjunctions (for, and, nor, but, or, yet, so) when they join two independent clauses.

  • Example: I wanted to go for a walk, but it started raining.
    (Eu queria sair para uma caminhada, mas começou a chover.)
  • Example: She studied hard, and she passed the exam.
    (Ela estudou muito, e ela passou no exame.)

3. After Introductory Elements

Commas should be placed after introductory words, phrases, or clauses to separate them from the main clause of the sentence.

  • Example: After dinner, we went for a walk.
    (Após o jantar, fomos dar uma caminhada.)
  • Example: However, I still think it’s a good idea.
    (No entanto, ainda acho que é uma boa ideia.)

4. Setting Off Non-Essential Clauses

Commas are used to enclose non-essential clauses or phrases that provide additional information but can be removed without changing the sentence’s meaning.

  • Example: My brother, who is two years younger than me, is a great musician.
    (Meu irmão, que é dois anos mais novo que eu, é um ótimo músico.)
  • Example: The book, which was published last year, won several awards.
    (O livro, que foi publicado no ano passado, ganhou vários prêmios.)

5. Separating Adjectives

When two or more adjectives equally describe a noun, they should be separated by commas. This applies only when you can insert “and” between the adjectives without changing the meaning.

  • Example: It was a long, exhausting day.
    (Foi um dia longo e exaustivo.)
  • Example: The old, wooden chair creaked.
    (A cadeira de madeira antiga rangia.)

Common Mistakes in Comma Usage

Learning how to use commas effectively means also understanding common pitfalls. Here are some frequent mistakes students often make:

1. Omitting Commas in Lists

  • Always use commas to separate items in a list to avoid ambiguity.
  • Incorrect: For breakfast I had eggs toast and coffee.
    (Para o café da manhã eu comi ovos torradas e café.)
  • Correct: For breakfast I had eggs, toast, and coffee.
    (Para o café da manhã eu comi ovos, torradas e café.)

2. Misplacing Commas with Conjunctions

  • Do not omit the comma before a conjunction when joining two independent clauses.
  • Incorrect: I want to go out but it is too cold.
    (Quero sair, mas está muito frio.)
  • Correct: I want to go out, but it is too cold.
    (Quero sair, mas está muito frio.)

3. Overusing Commas

  • While commas can clarify sentences, overusing them can lead to choppy writing.
  • Incorrect: I, went, to, the, store.
    (Eu, fui, à, loja.)
  • Correct: I went to the store.
    (Eu fui à loja.)

The Role of Commas in Different Text Genres

Commas play a significant role in various types of writing. Understanding how they function across genres can enhance both writing and comprehension skills:

1. Academic Writing

  • In academic texts, commas are crucial for clarity and coherence.
  • Use commas judiciously to separate complex ideas and arguments.

2. Fiction and Creative Writing

  • In fiction, commas can help establish rhythm and pacing.
  • Writers may use them for stylistic effect, creating pauses that enhance the narrative flow.

3. Business and Technical Writing

  • Clarity is paramount in business writing; incorrect comma usage can lead to misinterpretation.
  • Using commas correctly ensures professionalism in communication.

Cultural Aspects of Comma Usage

The use of commas can also reflect cultural differences in language and communication. Different English-speaking countries, such as the United States and the United Kingdom, may have slightly varying rules regarding punctuation. However, familiarity with the standard rules can help students navigate these differences.

  • In American English, the Oxford comma (the last comma in a list) is often used for clarity, while British English may forgo it more frequently.
  • Understanding regional preferences can aid comprehension in diverse settings, especially in literature and international communication.


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